Saturday, September 27, 2008

text messages

So i get this text from my wife who basically state i am pissed my mom in law is here well ladies and gent ( if there are any ) Here is my rebutal.......

lets just put it like this; i love my mom-IN-LAW; she helps us out quite a lote and if i could nominate here for saint hood and i would..........I dont get that how if im pissy cuz a it was so hot the devil was looking to relocate in iceand and play w keicko the whale.... no i'm not mad at here i'm just in general pissy; i didnt sleep well either and i still got stuff done even tho i had a pretween who wanted to lounge out and think it was ok..........
ok if u ask for something to be done and u find it not being done wouldnt u be ticked??????? yeah i thought so..... i am pissy david will not behave and i dont know what to do w him but hes going to drive me to drink.....

anyone who reads this is going to notice that i Am not tricia i am not articulate and i have ADHD Like a mofo but dealw it.if you dont want to read it i dont care...........its my way to vent AND NOT SMOKE.............. so sit relax grab a beer its not daily but i will be rebutting lol

cuz i'm sure that anyone who knows my wife knows about me so im not doing the whole intros, but i am a red and a bengal yeah i know ur saying 0-3 and they suck i know but theyre my team i am not a bandwagoner like some people its not that dont like to win its i thnk they forget how to....... well i got chores to do before work so later.........

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